Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Deviant art

The place to drool and not grow.No matter how magnificent or shitty ur artwork is, there are people who will pour sugar all over you:

"omg so kawaii!! (o^_^o)", or " i faved u, just wanna let you know" or prob " nice colors, i like the overall look"

There are no constructive comments for you to grow.No genuine artist to artist feedback. Somewhere down the line there will be a couple of idiots who attempt to comment at your artwork which doesn't make sense at all..Something going in the lines of:

" hmmm the head poportion is not matching with her toes" or " She doesnt look good in a skirt, naked ftw" or prob "where is ur signature?? phail"

And when i take a look at these jokers DA accounts, their artwork is comparable to 9 year olds and kindergartens. =.=;

Well a good friend told me DA is a place where u can make u feel better about your artwork.True true, but right now thats another reason why I dont have a DA account XD. I DONT wanna feel better about my artwork. I rather post them on my blog and not have em not viewed at all, then feeling better about my art and then just browsing and not doing anything at all. Like some people I know


toolika said...

Percfectly said..^^I also got fed up by DA..so and i like my blog more than my DA account.

The Art of Chin said...

Hello toolika :D glad to hear that Im not the only one who feels this way about DA